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Compliance: success through integrity

Compliance is more complicated than ever these days. The business world faces an ever-changing regulatory environment, while public awareness of compliance-relevant matters is on the rise. This is why integrity must be a byword for our employees.

In order to ensure that all of our stakeholders are able to work together in a spirit of trust, our processes and systems are subject to ongoing review and are continually adapted to remain compliant with the legal framework.

Compliance Management System

To emphasize the importance of legal compliance, we have enshrined it in our company principles "We comply with the applicable laws and with internal guidelines". Compliance is thus an integral part of our corporate culture. To ensure that we live up to our company principle, it is important to avoid risks which could harm the trust of our customers, business partners and employees.

To that end, we have established a Compliance Management System. The tools and measures that the system encompasses help our employees and business partners to live by uniform values and rules.


Early Detection

Our paramount objective is to detect potential misconduct at an early stage. This requires, among other things, that we be informed of potential breaches of compliance.

A compliance breach occurs if our employees violate applicable law or internal policies when carrying out their work or a violation is committed vis-à-vis our employees. Such breaches may take the form of crimes of corruption, competition/antitrust offenses, data protection violations as well as accounting, finance and tax offenses.

We rely not only on our employees, but also on our customers and business partners to help us identify and prevent compliance breaches. We therefore ask that you notify us if you discover any indications that a compliance breach may have occurred.


Report a compliance breach

There are a range of channels available to you. But whatever channel you chose, rest assured that the report will be treated as strictly confidential and remain anonymous if so requested.

Legal & Compliance Department

If you wish to report a compliance breach or have any questions about compliance at Kaufland, you can contact our Compliance Department by post or e-mail at:

Kaufland Stiftung & Co. KG Recht & Compliance Rötelstraße 35 74172 Neckarsulm


Online report

You can use our online reporting system: to report compliance breaches anywhere in the world, any time. Our Compliance manager will process every report. The system does not store any IP addresses or metadata, meaning that it is impossible to trace your report back to you. An anonymous messenger function makes it possible to discuss any follow-up questions.

Legal advisors

Our external legal advisors are sworn to secrecy. They will carefully review your report and contact Kaufland's Compliance Managers if they conclude that there are substantial indications of a compliance breach. Your personal data will not be forwarded without your express consent.

Dr. Margarete Gräfin von Galen
Mommsenstraße 45
10629 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 / 31 01 82 - 0

Martin Neupert
Leipziger Platz 21
90491 Nuremberg
Tel.: +49 9 11 / 5 69 61 - 0

Customer complaints and inquiries

Please turn directly to our customer service team if you have any general questions, requests, recommendations or criticisms. The customer service team is your first port of call for all issues not related to compliance. No matter what your concern may be, your customer service representative is available to assist you.

Kaufland stores

If you have any concerns about the product range or the shopping experience at our brick-and-mortar stores, you can reach us in the following ways:

Online Marketplace

Do you have any concerns about our Online Marketplace? Take a look at our FAQs*. Is the answer you are looking for not there? Then contact our Online Marketplace Customer Service Team: